Rayhan(Tengah), L-Men of the Year 2011, bersanding dengan Adi Jaya(Kanan), atlet basket dari Jawa Timur sebagai Runner Up 1, serta Adit(Kiri), penggemar otomotif dari Kepulauan Riau sebagai Runner Up II. - Rayhan (Middle), L-Men of the Year 2011, coupled with Adi Jaya (Right), basketball athletes from East Java as the Runner Up 1, and Adit (Left), automotive enthusiasts of the Riau Islands as a Runner Up II.(Source/Courtesy:KOMPAS)

Jakarta(10/7) – Akhirnya setelah melalui seleksi ketat di Grand Final, terpilihlah sosok pemenang L-Men of The Year. Dia adalah Rayhan Febrian wakil dari Jawa Tengah. Rayhan sudah dilirik sejak karantina hingga malam grand final. Karena dia dianggap layak menjadi ikon gaya hidup sehat tanpa batas.  Selain Rayhan, Christian Adi Jaya dari Jawa Timur 1 meraih posisi runner-up 1 dan Aditya Mohammad meraih posisi runner-up 2.

Jakarta (10 / 7) – Finally, after going through a rigorous selection in the Grand Final, the winner elected figure L-Men of The Year. He is Rayhan Febrian representatives from Central Java. Rayhan’ve ogled from quarantine until the night grand final. Because he is considered worthy of being an icon healthy lifestyle without limits. Besides Rayhan, Christian Adi Jaya from East Java as runner-up 1 and Aditya Mohammad as runner-up 2.

Persaingan cukup ketat dimulai di Grand Final ketika dari 14 grand finalists kemudian dipilih hanya Top 6, kemudian mereka menjawab berbagai pertanyaan hingga dipilih menjadi Top 3 dan terpilihlah L-Men of The Year 2011. Pada malam Grand Final hadir berbagai tokoh sebagai juri seperti aktor Reza Rahadian, aktris dan model Rianti Cartwright, peselancar Tipi Jabrik, dan Christian Widi Nugraha, L-Men Brand Manager. Selain itu hadir pula Mister International 2010 Ryan Terry yang diduduk di barisan depan.

Pretty tight competition begins in the Grand Final as of 14 grand finalists are then selected only the Top 6, they then answered various questions to be selected to be Top 3, and elected L-Men of The Year 2011. On the eve of the Grand Final as the jury present various figures such as Reza Rahadian actor, actress and model Rianti Cartwright, surfer Tipi Jabrik, and Christian Widi Nugraha, L-Men Brand Manager. In addition, there were also the Mister International 2010 Ryan Terry as special guest.

3 pemenang utama L-Men of The Year 2011 berkesempatan untuk mengikuti berbagai kontes male pageant internasional seperti Mister Universe Model 2012, Manhunt International 2011 dan Mister International 2011.

3 main winners of L-Men of The Year 2011 had the opportunity to participate in various international contests such as the male pageant Mister Universe Model 2012, Manhunt International 2011 and the Mister International 2011.

Selain 3 pemenang utama dipilih juga special award sebagai berikut,

1. Duta Special Olympic Indonesia, Syarif Maricar dari Maluku
2. Best Catwalk, Gillian Pangalila dari DKI Jakarta
3. Best Body, Muhammad Ozy dari Kalimantan Timur
4. Best Social Media Influencer, Made Adiguna dari Bali
5. The Most Photogenic, Randy Yudhistira, Sulawesi Utara 2
6. The Best Acting Model, Christian Loho, Sulawesi Utara 1

In addition to three main winners are also special awards chosen as follows,

1. Ambassador Special Olympics Indonesia, Sharif Maricar from the Moluccas
2. Best Catwalk, Gillian Pangalila of DKI Jakarta
3. Best Body, Muhammad Ozy from East Kalimantan
4. Best Social Media Influencers, Adiguna Made from Bali
5. The Most Photogenic, Randy Yudhishthira, North Sulawesi 2
6. The Best Acting Models, Christian Loho, North Sulawesi 1
Grand Final L-Men of The Year 2011 disiarkan langsung oleh Trans 7 Tv dari Ballroom XXI Djakarta Theatre, Jakarta, Indonesia pada 10 Juli 2011.

Grand Final L-Men of The Year 2011 broadcast live on Trans 7 tv from Djakarta XXI Ballroom Theatre, Jakarta, Indonesia on July 10, 2011.

Rayhan (Middle), L-Men of the Year 2011, coupled with Adi Jaya (Right), basketball athletes from East Java as the Runner Up 1, and Adit (Left), automotive enthusiasts of the Riau Islands as a Runner Up II.